Learn English – Dessert, countable vs uncountable


According to this website, enter image description here

So is the second example equivalent to

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't eat so many types of desserts.


Can it be

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't eat so much dessert.

regarding as a general idea of dessert?

Best Answer

This is the way I think of it and how I always show my students:

A pizza, some pizzas and some pizza:

A pizza is one whole pizza.

Some pizzas are two or more whole pizzas.

Some pizza is just a slice or more of the pizza. It is however much is less than the whole pizza (i.e., less than eight slices).

I usually draw three pictures: one whole pizza, two whole pizzas and a slice of pizza removed (but still near) the whole pizza (don't forget to draw the slice's negative space).

This example also works for cakes, soda (a full bottle, two bottles, some leftover in a bottle), and of course, desserts :).

Good luck.

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