Learn English – didn’t tell a lie IN / ON any occasion


Do the following sentences mean the same? Which one among "in" and "on" is preferably used here?

1) He never lied on/ in any occasion.

2) He didn't tell a lie on/ in any occasion.

Best Answer

On is the more common preposition:

Ngram on any occasion vs in any occasion

On preposition:

  • used to show when something ​happens:

    • Hair ​salons don't usually ​open on Sundays.

    • On a ​clear ​day you can ​see the ​mountains from here.

    • She was ​dead on ​arrival (= ​dead when she ​arrived) at the ​hospital.
    • Please ​leave ​your ​key at the ​reception ​desk on ​your ​departure from (= when you ​leave) the ​hotel.

(Cambridge Dictionary)