Learn English – Difference between “are not yet” and “have not yet”


What is the meaning difference in below sentences using Are not yet and have not yet?

a) “Our lungs have not yet fully developed and we cannot take further pollution through bursting of crackers,“

b) “Our lungs are not yet fully developed and we cannot take further pollution through bursting of crackers,“

As per my knowledge the sentence (a) suggests an action/activity of the development of the lungs and sentence (b) gives an idea of the status/fact of lungs development.

Please help if I am wrong

Best Answer

Your idea is correct. The difference between the sentences is that in sentence one have is an auxiliary and in the second sentence are is a copular verb.

This means that in the first sentence developed is a lexical verb while in the second one it is an adjective. The first sentence emphasises the action that has not yet been completed and the second sentence talks about the state of the lungs.

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