Learn English – Difference between be interviewing for a job vs being interviewed for a job


Here is the situation:
I have been doing a part-time English course for some months to improve my English but, I am not sure, somehow I can feel that our English teacher is not good enough. She does not speak English but has been hired to teach us English.
She has given some job interview tips to us, because the course is getting near the end. But I will not be looking for a new job even after this English course because some of you have already known that I am an assistant of ABC cake shop.

In the job interview tips briefing, she said, "If you are interviewing for a teaching job, you should be wearing a nice panty and dress."

Here is the question because of the given situation:

It was very confusing on hearing "If you are interviewing for a teaching job…", and even for the moment I am still confused about it , because we are interviewees, not any interviewers.

Please, can you tell me if the following sentences are correct, or her sentence was incorrect?
(1), "If you are going for an interview for a teaching job…"
(2), "If you are being interviewed for a teaching job…"

Best Answer

Both job and position are correct. But "teaching position" sounds better.

A Job is a general term which is a collection of tasks that can be performed by a number of employees. A "position" is specific to its role and responsibilities and can only be held by one appointed person.


Job: Manager (generic term)
Position: Finance Manager, HR Manager.

My friend and I are both Managers. We have the same job. But, my position is HR manager, while his position is Finance Manager.

This is the reason why we tend to prefer "position" when talking about specific role/position/job.


  1. Interviewing for a teaching position.
  2. Interviewing for a sales position.
  3. Interviewing for a particular position.
  4. Interviewing for a new job.
  5. Interviewing for a job

All of the above sentences are correct.

And I agree with others. Your teacher probably said "pantyhose" because "panties" is too personal. And if you heard her right saying "panties," her English is definitely not good enough.

user3169 is absolutely correct.

Yes, your sentence:

I am interviewing for a job at ABC company.

is equivalent to

I am interviewing with ABC company for a job.

But, are you the interviewer or the interviewee?

As csjacobs24 said, it really depends on the context.

Take note:

  1. I am taking an Interview at the ABC company. or I am conducting an Interview at the ABC company.
  2. I will be giving an Interview at the ABC company. or I am being interviewed by the ABC company(Interviewers).

The first sentence means that you are the Interviewer. While the second sentence means that you are the interviewee, or being interviewed.

Also, have a look at what the Ngram says enter image description here

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