Learn English – Difference between “center” and “middle”


What is the difference between center and middle?Which sentence is correct:

The book in the center of the table.


The book is in the middle of the table.

Best Answer

Middle and center often have the same meaning, especially to the general public.

However, if you work in a more technical profession, such as Engineering or Architecture (and others), we tend to use the word center when we want to be more technical - for example - "the center of a circle" or "the center of the diagram." These are examples when we need the exact coordinates of the geometric center.

Middle is more general. We don't care if the book is in the exact geometric center of the table, as long as it looks like it is in the middle.

You will find that outside of these technical professions, English speakers use the two words in the same way, with the same meaning.

Hope this helps!