Learn English – Difference between ‘find out’, ‘discover’, ‘realize’ and etc

verb usage

For me all the verbs bellow mean the same thing. My dictionaries, confirm this fact. But I guess something is wrong with this belief of mine and their usages are different. I would be thankful if you could explain me how the following verbs semantically differ from one another?

1) To understand something

2) To find something out

3) To discover something

4) To realize something

5) To perceive something

P.S. I guess giving some specific examples with different senses in which only one or all the possible choices from among my suggested verbs can be used, would be very effective for me to discover the exact usage of each verb.

Best Answer

Assuming you have only a tiny piece of paper and want to jot down the gist of the most common uses (each has alternate meanings and many times they can be used interchangeably, either because the speaker is speaking loosely, or figuratively):

1) To understand something : to comprehend it

Do you understand how RNA transcription works?

2) To find something out : to learn about something by asking deliberately

I'll find out when the shop opens tomorrow morning by phoning the proprietor.

b) or accidentally e.g. by overhearing it being spoken about, etc

I found out that Mary and John are going to have a baby. She was trying on maternity clothes in the department store.

3) To discover something : to learn something through experimentation

Vaccines are discovered by scientists.

4) To realize something : to suddenly understand or recall something

I just realized that we cannot go to the beach next Saturday; that's the day of John's wedding.

I just realized that Superman is actually Clark Kent. (or that Clark Kent is actually Superman).

5) To perceive something : to sense something; to "see" it figuratively

I perceived that something was amiss with their relationship. John seemed on edge and Mary was distant.

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