Learn English – Difference between Hope and Believe


I was told that:

1) I hope to play a good match this evening.

is grammatically correct.

On the other hand:

2) I believe to play a good match this evening

is grammatically incorrect.

Yet I was told that:

I believe I´ll play a good match this evening.

is grammatically correct.

Why is the previous sentence grammatically correct?

Best Answer

Hope is about aspiration, wanting something good or better.

Hope for the best

It is unusual to hope for worse. Hope is one of the verbs that can be immediately followed by an infinitive

Belief is about affirmation, asserting or declaring something to be true

I believe in the goodness of mankind

Believe is not one of the verbs that can be followed by an infinitive.

As a result

I hope to play
I believe I will play

are correct

I believe to play

is incorrect.