Learn English – Difference between “I went to the toilet” and “I had gone to the toilet”


toI was in class room and wanted to go for toilet. So without taking permission of my teacher I went to toilet. When I returned, my teacher asked me Where did you go?. And I answered.

I went to toilet.

But after that one of my friend come to me said I should have used

I had gone to toilet.

So I explained him that had should be use when we talking about past of past, but here is only one past.
For this he said there are two past. i.e.
1) You went to toilet and
2) You returned to class.

So my question is which version of answer is correct here? Why?

Best Answer

Your version of the answer is correct, because when you were answering the teacher's question, you both were in the present. So only

I went to the toilet.

..is okay.

If you were relating this whole story later to somebody, then you might use the Past Perfect:

When I returned, the teacher asked me where I had been. I replied that I had gone to the toilet.

The Past Perfect is possible because you are retelling this story now. The moment when the teacher asked you is in the past, and the moment then you visited the toilet is in a deeper past.

Grammar terminology: my second example uses "backshifting" of tenses. More specifically, this is called "a backshift in reported speech" (here's another helpful explanation).

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