Learn English – Difference between “is” and “it is” in a sentence


  1. What is the difference between “is” and “it is” in a sentence?

Please make sure that the password is at least 8 characters long.
Please make sure that the password it is at least 8 characters long.

A boarding pass is required.
A boarding pass it is required.

Is raining today.
It is raining today.

The food is good.
The food it is good.

Is great.
It is great.

Thank you!

Best Answer

In the first, second, and fourth sample sentences, you already have a subject, the password, a boarding pass and the food, and therefore don't need to include an it. Although it may be more common to use in other languages, the it part is left out in English (I'm not sure if leaving it in is incorrect grammar, or just not done in practice).

However, if you add a comma after the subject, you can include it. The resulting sentence puts an added emphasis on the subject (though, this is quite uncommonly used):

The food, it is good.

Picture someone saying that sentence: The food *pause* it is good.