Learn English – Difference between “please note” and “I would like to point out”


Received an e-mail from a company I work with saying:

Please note that. . .

Personally I prefer to say “I would like to point out that…”

Are both sentences correct?

Best Answer

Please note and I would like to point out that... both mean the same thing, that the speaker is trying to bring attention to whatever is going to come after. The difference between the two, as @Dan Bron pointed out in his comment, is that Please note is impersonal, while I would like to point out that... is more personal.

Please note is used when the speaker wants to make it clear that what he or she is about to say is important, and it is often used to give an air of formality or authority.

I would like to point out that... is used when you want to make it clear not only that you are making a point, but that it is you who is making that point. Drawing attention to yourself in this way makes the announcement seem less formal, and less authoritative.

In your situation, your company mostly likely used please note because whoever wrote the email wanted it to represent the company in general, and whatever the "note" is, it should be read as coming from the company as a whole, not any individual manager or employee.