Learn English – Difference between “product” and “article”


Can someone explain to me is there a difference between "product" and "article" terms?

EDIT: For example: When the T-Shirt is "product" and when "article" ?

Best Answer

A product is something that it produced, normally in a commercial environment. In the past products were almost always physical objects, but now they can be notional (eg a television programme, a business strategy).

An article is an object, usually a physical object. Many articles are products (eg T shirts, televisions). Some are not (eg wild plants, cliffs) .

So, many things are both an article and a product, some are only one of the two. A T-shirt is almost certainly both. When you refer to it as a product you are implicitly mentioning the fact that it is produced and (probably) sold. When you call it an article, you are not doing this.