Learn English – Difference between pull out /draw out /bring out in the sentence


In the sentence :
' The kids bring all the chairs and tables out, and they set them up.'
I would like to know if we may use instead 'pull out' or 'draw out', if in this case they are synonyms.

I just assume that 'take out' would mean outside instead of in the classroom, but it's hard to figure the nuances between the others phrasal verbs.

Best Answer

The ideal choice of verb is best illustrated with some examples.

If the chairs and tables were kept in a storeroom and had to be set up in a hall, somebody standing in the hall might say:

The kids bring all the chairs and tables out, and they set them up.

However, an observer inside the storeroom would say:

The kids take all the chairs and tables out, and they set them up.

So, objects are generally brought towards the speaker and taken away from him/her. Additionally, the speaker, located elsewhere, might ask someone to fetch/bring/take the chairs from the storeroom and set them up in the hall. It's just a question of which verb feels most natural in context.

Take out doesn't necessarily imply outside of a building, just out of a particular area/space/room.

Pull out and draw out both imply that the objects have been stored in such a fashion that they first need to be withdrawn by being pulled out before they can be carried away.

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