Learn English – Difference between satisfy and fulfill


Writing a mathematical text I came across a site that lists some common mistakes when writing scientific texts in English including the following:

x fulfills property P
x satisfies property P

I am now very confused since I read this (the “wrong” usage) quite a few times in various papers (and I can't remember a single one were the “correct” word is used). I also found this site stating

The difference between satisfy and fulfill is that satisfy is to […] fulfill (wishes, requirements) […]

fulfill: […] To satisfy, carry out, bring to completion (an obligation, a requirement, etc.).

which gives me headache explaining satisfy with fulfill and vice versa.

So what is the difference between satisfy and fulfill? In particular I want to know what to use when I want to express that a condition must be satisfied / fulfilled?

The specific examples where I want to use one of these words:

  1. The angles satisfy / fulfill the condition…
  2. The vectors satisfy / fulfill the inequalities…
  3. This condition has to be satisfied / fulfilled for every vertex.

I don't think these are very different, but just in case. Thanks.

Best Answer

Satisfy has these two Latin words as a root (from Google):

late Middle English: from Old French satisfier, formed irregularly from Latin satisfacere ‘to content,’ from satis ‘enough’ + facere ‘make.’

whereas fulfill has this etymology:

late Old English fullfyllan ‘fill up, make full’ (see full1, fill).

When something is full, putting more in will make it overflow.

So satisfy implies that there is a minimum to consider good, but you could do more to improve things further than the minimum.

Fulfill implies that either you achieved a standard (reached the "full" line") or did not. There is really no such thing as "halfway fulfilled," for example.

This is why things like destinies or orders are fulfilled, but not satisfied. Either you reached your destiny or you didn't, either your order is complete or it is not. But you could satisfy an indignant customer who didn't get an order fulfilled by giving him/her a gift card, though a higher amount gift card would make him/her more satisfied.