Learn English – Difference between seen vs saw


I'm a little bit confused. I know that seen is the past participle of see, and that saw is the past simple. I know also that we use the past participle with the perfect tense.

In my case, I want to talk about an action in the past and so I feel the right sentence is:

…..the one seen at the beginning is ….

However, since I'm talking about a past action, I think that the right sentence may be:

…..the one saw at the beginning is ….

Thank you in advance for your help 🙂

Best Answer

In English there are two different voices that may be employed when making a statement: active voice and passive voice.

In the active voice the subject of the sentence is also the agent in the sentence; the subject performs the verb's action on the patient.

In the passive voice the patient becomes the subject of the sentence, getting acted on by the verb. A sentence in the passive voice uses the auxiliary verb be to indicate the tense and the main verb always becomes the past participle.

In your extract, the one is not the agent (the one doing the seeing), but is the patient (the one that is seen), so it is in the passive voice and uses the past participle form of the verb see. I.e. the first extract is the correct one:

.....the one seen at the beginning is ....