Learn English – Difference between Simple Present Passive and Simple Past Passive Voice


In below sentence it is understood that Actions of Cleaning and arresting are already happened.

If I want to report below activities to someone else should I use simple present passive or Simple past passive?


Simple Present Passive
Car is Cleaned by Jhon.
Jhon is arrested by Police.


Simple Past Passive
Car was cleaned by John.
John was arrested by Police.

Best Answer

If you are listing items in a timeline by saying the time, then the event, you can use the present tense (I expanded on your example a bit):

At 8:00am, the car is cleaned by John.

At 8:01am, the police arrive.

At 8:05am, John is arrested by police.

You can also use the past tense and it will still make sense.

At 8:00am, the car was cleaned by John.

At 8:01am, the police arrived.

At 8:05am, John was arrested by police.

Again, the above only works if you are reading a list off to someone.

If you are simply saying what John did in a sentence, use the past tense:

John cleaned the car, and was arrested by police, at 8:00 am.