Learn English – Difference between so called and called so


What is the difference between so called and called so in the following sentences?

The active voice is so called because the person denoted by the
subject acts.
The active voice is called so because the
person denoted by the subject acts.

so as an adverb is used to refer back to something that has already been mentioned, so according to me the second sentence sounds more correct.

Best Answer

"so-called" (usually hyphenated) is used in attributive position, that is, before the noun it refers to, for example:

  • The so-called "active voice" is a form of the verb in which the subject is the one that does the action.

Instead, in "called so" (which is used in predicative position, that is, after the noun it refers to) so is an adverb equivalent to "thus" or "(in) this/that way":

  • The active voice is called so (= thus, in this way) because the subject performs the action, while in the passive voice the subject receives the action.
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