Learn English – Difference between “so rude” and “too rude”


What's different between

You are so rude.


You are too rude.

I want to know difference in grammar, social communication, rigor, manner and where they are used! (other things as well).

Best Answer

Both so and too have several meanings. Used as in your examples, the definitions of these words in the Cambridge Dictionary are:

so = very, extremely, or to such a degree:

  • The house is so beautiful.
  • Thank you for being so patient.

too = very, or completely:

  • My mother hasn't been too well recently.
  • (formal) Thank you, you're too kind.

The main difference between them is the strength of the message:

  • so = very
  • too = excessively, beyond expectations

Bottom line: too is stronger than so in these examples.