Learn English – difference between “work alongside you” and “work alongside with you”


Is there a difference between

work alongside you vs work alongside with you

The definition of "alongside" indicates with is not needed.


  • next to
  • in company with

But it's not uncommon to see/hear the phrase "work alongside with you".

Are both expressions interchangeable ?

Best Answer

I don't believe that work along side you can be considered common. In fact, I've never heard or seen it.

The following are possible:

I work alongside you.
I work with you.
I work alongside her with you.
I work with her alongside you.

Here's what Google Books NGram Viewer shows:

work alongside with you

Work alongside with you is so uncommon that it's not even shown on the graph.

Also of note is that work with you seems much more common than work alongside you.

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