Learn English – difference between “write” and “write down”


Is there a difference between "write" and "write down" or it's just a matter of fashion / style?

At the university I see that some of the teachers say "write down" and some of them say "write" without "down"- both are in the same context in the classes (to write notes). Is one of them better or more correct or it's just a matter of style?

Best Answer

I think in your usage they basically mean the same thing.

write down

can mean to make a formal record of something

Let me write down your address and thine number.
Marriages are written down and recorded in a registry.



has less the meaning of recording and is also the actual action of writing

I'll write you a note.
Let's write them a letter.
Please write a Thank You card to everyone who gave you a birthday present.

For example,

Every week I wrote a letter to my parents and wrote down what happened.