Learn English – Difference between “you’re such a” and “you’re a”


I wonder if my example below is correct or if it needs to say "you're such a" instead of just "you're a" of course I wanted it to sound funny as a joke not as a real thing.

My friend: "You know me du!"

Me: I kinda do dawg, you're a hustler!"

Further info. I read on a web page that "such" can be followed by adjective + noun, judgemental noun or just plain noun, but I don't know if I really need the use of "such" for a statement such as my example. Below is the link for the webpage, mentioned before.

Link: http://www.curso-ingles.com/aprender/cursos/nivel-avanzado/adjectives-and-adverbs/so-vs-such

Best Answer

For the pattern in your example

I kinda do dawg, you're a hustler!

The usually pattern is

you're such a hustler!

such being used as a superlative expressing a "high degree" or being "exemplary" of an adjective.

Being "such a hustler" is having more "hustle" than just being "a hustler".

you're such a worry wort ( worry about everything )
you're such a baby ( cries when doesn't get their way )
you're such a whiner ( big complainer )

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