Learn English – Difference in meaning between “I provide her with a TV” and “I provide her a TV”


What is the exact difference in meaning between "I provide her with a TV" and "I provide her a TV" ?

Does "I provide her with a TV" mean "I own a TV. And I give her my own tv." ?
Does "I provide her a TV" mean "I do not own a TV. Nevertheless, I give her a tv in any way." ?

What does "with" mean in the sentence?
If we don't use with in the sentence, is there a difference in nuance?

Best Answer

The expression is provide [someone] with [something]. It says nothing about whether that thing is the provider's own, though if that were so, I give her my TV would be a more natural way of saying it.

I provide her a TV is not idiomatic English. We can say I provide a TV for her.

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