Learn English – Differences among “transit”, “transmit”, “transfer”, and “transport”


I've searched on Google, however it was not useful really.
Can you tell me what are the differences among "transit", "transmit", "transfer" and "transport"?
A dictionary states that the 3 words (except "transit") all means :"to convey or move things from a place to another"

So "transit" seems to be different from the other three, doesn't it?

And do "transmit" and "transfer" have close meanings?

Best Answer

They all mean "to move something from one place to another", but each has a different general usage, depending on what is being moved.

"transmit" is most often used with information. ie "NASA is going to transmit data to the space shuttle."

"transfer" generally refers to something changing posession, especially in law. "The corporation is going to transfer its stock to a child company."

"transport" refers to shipping a physical item or person. "A bulletproof vehicle is used to transport the president."

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