Learn English – Do digits after the decimal point have a specific name


I would like to know if there's a name for "digits after the decimal point" (in only one or two words). For instance in french these digits are called "décimales".

I've found "decimal places", but I am not sure it is synonym, for instance, considering the number 7.9362, would it be correct to say that its decimal places are 9, 3, 6 and 2?

EDIT: several answers are useful, so it's not easy to choose only one…

Best Answer

You can call the digits to the left of the decimal point integer digits or integral digits and those to the right of the decimal point fraction digits or fractional digits.

Java I/O, Harold (2006):

For instance, in the number 31.415, there are two integer digits and three fraction digits.

Microprocessor Engineering, Holdsworth (2013):

...where n is the number of integral digits and m the number of fractional digits.

Perhaps these terms are not well-established, but they are used in the literature and will be understood in the appropriate context.

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