Learn English – do like vs very like


Here are two sentences, I found confusing when solving grammar exercise in oxford Grammar.

a) I __do__ like that coat. It's really nice.
b) I __very__ like that coat. It's really nice.

According to book (a) is the correct one because "do" is putting emphasis on the "like" verb. However if anyone can guide me why I cannot use "very"? "Very" is a adverb and coming before verb seems Ok to me or may be anyone can tell the exact reason why is it not correct because it's also seems like putting emphasis on the sentence?

Best Answer

From my personal experience, we never use the word "very" with any verbs although it is labelled as an adverb in the dictionary. Being an adverb simply means that it can be used to describe a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. But at the same time it does not mean that one adverb can be used to describe all three.

Therefore, we won't say I very like/love/hate someone. "Do" in this case is used to add emphasis; however, the equivalent words for "very" in this case are "really," and "truly."