Learn English – “Do never…” vs. “Do not ever…”


I am just arguing with my friend if the phrase "do never something" is totally wrong compared to the phrase "do not ever something". And is "never" a contraction of "not ever"? Is it okay using "Do" in the beginning to emphasize a word?

I am about to say "Do NEVER remove the credit!" as my warning notice on my free projects that shared publicly. But someone told me the sentence is wrong and said the correct one should be "Do not ever remove the credit!". I am fine with "Do not ever" this never wrong in grammar. Then I say that using "Do never such a thing!" is also fine ("Do" work as an emphasis). Because I ever seen someone else using this pattern.

Best Answer

We can say things like:

Don't ever text while driving. Don't ever do such a foolish and dangerous thing!

Never text while driving. Never do such a foolish and dangerous thing!

But we don't say "Do never do such a thing".unidiomatic

P.S. In contemporary English, the do never {verb} construction is either a formulaic literary holdover from the 17th century, a petrified expression, or a regionalism. One may still find it in religious texts, where the language tends to be conservative and resistant to change, and often imitates the phrasings of earlier exemplars.