Learn English – Do things or get things done


Please look at the following

  1. I will do the homework. This means I will myself do the homework

  2. I will get the homework done. I know this means that I will cause the homework done. So this could be interpreted in two ways:

2a) I will have someone do the homework. Here I am causing the homework done by someone.

2b) I will myself do the homework. Here also I am causing the homework done, but it is being done by me. So in effect I am causing the homework done by me.

My question is interpretation #2b the right interpretation? Can we interpret it this way?

Best Answer

#2 is almost a "legal loophole". Both versions often are meant to be the same thing, but #2 leaves the possibility that they can "squeeze through the loophole" and get it done by someone else, and not be lying to who they are talking to.

#2 is also more definite. It's the sort of thing a politician would say while pounding the desk - but in that case then they almost certainly will get someone else to do it!

In short it depends on who is saying the words. If it's a politician or an equally careful individual, I'd say they meant #2a. Otherwise almost certainly #2b. Of course, if it turns out that they do #2a, then that puts them in the category of "politician"!

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