Learn English – Does “all-month” mean “from month to month”


There is all-day, but I'm not sure whether all-month exists or means "from month to month" or not. I can use month to month too, but all-month seems more suited in this writing:

No parenting book can help a mom to know whether her child playing Counter Strike all-month is a healthy hobby, an addiction to violence or a determination to become a professional gamer.

Best Answer

What you are looking for is some hyperbole (say hi per bo lee), a type of figurative speech in which you exaggerate for a dramatic effect. No child is literally playing all month.

So if this is hyperbole, why not say "all day" or "every day". These are the usual expressions, unless there is some reason to specify that "months" are significant to the meaning. If you know that "all day" exists is there any reason to use "all month"

A child who plays violent video games all day may have developed an addiction.

A child who fasts all month during Ramadan can develop an eating disorder.

An alternative is to use

A child who has been playing Counterstrike for months on end...

Which preserves the sense of "for many months"

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