Learn English – Does an adverb ‘too’ have a negative note


Like the native speakers here on ELL, I have a respected guru-cum-friend for English. He is very proficient in the language. While discussing my question 'I am too tired to drive', he stopped me even before I could finish it. The very first thing he said was that the adverb 'too' has a negative note.

This was indeed a jaw-dropping surprise to me as I have used 'too good', 'too innocent', 'too beautiful' and such constructions zillions of times in my life.

But then, when I searched COCA, the surprise turned into shock as I observed that most of entries of 'too' had some negation one or the other way.

As always, I find this as the best place to have more clarity on this. I trust him as much as I trust you all! 🙂

Best Answer

Too is not automatically negative. It simply means that something is in excess of a (likely unspecified) threshold. Examples with no negative subtext:

Planet of the Apes is too good to miss.

His artwork is too beautiful to be described.

There is too much chocolate in that cake for me not to like it.

Those chips are too good to eat just one.

Wonderful, good, positive things are inevitable. This plan is too far along for it to turn out otherwise.

In all cases, too is used to indicate that the level of some good thing is sufficiently high that some result is inevitable.