Learn English – Does “haunting music” have a negative meaning


When someone says "this song is haunting (me?)" should I understand "haunting" as annoying, or it is a music that I like a lot and can keep singing the whole day? The dictionaries in the Internet did not help.

Best Answer

Absolutely not.

Haunting in this context refers to a mood. Haunting music evokes emotion. It's the kind of music you might hear in the background of a tense scene in a movie. It's often marked by minor chords or deep instruments. Adjectives might include somber or moving. You can read about what one person regards as "haunting" classic music at this blog post: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Classical Compositions Ever Written.

Macmillan defines the word as:

haunting (adj.) beautiful in a way that makes you feel sad and remember something for a long time

When it comes to the arts, though, this "sad" feeling is not necessary a bad kind of sad; rather, it can be quite cathartic.

I also like the meaning found at Collins:

haunting (adj.) enchantingly or eerily evocative

You probably wouldn't play haunting music at a wedding, but it could be very fitting for a funeral.

Haunting music is not limited to the classical genre, either; many dark rock songs could also be dubbed as haunting. What's regarded as haunting is partly a matter of taste, but I think the song Kettering by the Antlers would qualify as haunting modern music.

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