Word Usage – Does ‘He Is Eating Apples’ Make Sense?


This site says

You use a plural count noun with no article if you mean all or any of
that thing

I don't like dogs.

Do they have children?

I don't need questions. Give me answers!

I don't understand what "all or any of that thing" means?

The above guideline makes sense in general sentences such as "he likes apples" ("he likes all apples in the world") or "he doesn't eat apples" ("he doesn't eat all apples in the world").

But, what about specific sentences? Let say, there is a man. He has 3 apples with him. He is holding an apple & eating that apple. These other 2 apples are on the table. Which would I say?

  • "He is eating some apples" sounds ok.

  • "He is eating 3 apples" could be wrong to me because he may eat up 3 apples but he may eat only 1 & then stop eating.

  • "He is eating apples" could mean "He is eating all apples in the world"

The above rule is ok for sentences refer to general things such as "He likes apples" or "He doesn't eat apples" But is that rule ok for sentences refer to specific things such as "He is eating apples" or "I ate apples yesterday"?

So does the above rule only apply to some certain sentences?

Best Answer

The rule says to use the plural to mean either "all" or "any" of that thing. You have to figure out which of these from the context.

Someone ate the donuts (they ate all the donuts that were in a particular place)

I bought us donuts (I bought some quantity of donuts)

She hates donuts (She does not like (to eat) donuts of any kind)

Basic logic applies here. If a man has three apples and you say "The man is eating apples" it would be silly to assume he's eating all the apples in the world. The more reasonable assumption is that he will eat at most those three apples.

Of course he could eat one, or two, or all three of the apples. The exact number is unspecified, and unimportant. The point is that he is eating apples, and not something else.

Outside the window, I see birds flying. (It doesn't matter how many birds, just that there are birds)

My mother bought me shoes for my birthday (It could be one pair, or multiple pairs of shoes. Which is not important, the point is that I was given shoes)

This room is where they store computers before they sent to the customer (The number of computers is not important, only that this room is used for their storage).

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