Voice – Does ‘I’ve Temporarily Suspended’ Imply Action Taken?


I use "I've temporarily suspended activity on SOru" in my profile description. And I've thought that it means that "I'm not active on site anymore".

But one guy said that I'm wrong, and told‫‪‫‪​​​​​​​​ me that it means that "someone banned the account".

I've thought that if he is correct there should be passive voice and the sentence will look like "My activity has temporarily been suspended on SOru".

So, what's the correct form?

Best Answer

"I've (I have) [done something]" is used when the speaker is saying that he or she has personally done something. "I've temporarily suspended activity on SOru" means that you, yourself, ceased activity on SOru (it was your action). If somebody or something else made that happen, you could say "I have been suspended on SOru".


  • "I've burned my house down." I have personally started a fire in my house which burned it down.

  • "My house has been burned down." Someone or something has started a fire in my house which burned it down.