Learn English – Does “landing” strictly mean the area of the top of a staircase


Ron was lying sprawled on his back with his mouth wide open, fast asleep. He did not stir as Harry crossed the room, stepped out onto the landing, and closed the door softly behind him. Trying not to think of the next time he would see Ron, when they might no longer be fellow students at Hogwarts, Harry walked quietly down the stairs, past the heads of Kreacher’s ancestors, and into the kitchen.

Does it also mean the area directly behind or in front of a door? Because the above paragraph states that Harry was still able to close the door even if he was on the landing. So it must mean something else of the landing is pretty close to his bedroom?

Best Answer

The landing is simply the part of the floor next to the top or bottom of a flight of stairs. Landings are usually separated from rooms by doors and walls. In homes, where landings do not need to be very wide because people are few, doors to bedrooms are often within arm's reach of a landing.

Where a landing ends and (the rest of) a hallway begins is not that precise. Landings do not have to be a part of true hallways (or 'corridors') but can be surrounded on two or three sides by doors or walls.

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