Learn English – “Does the thinking correct?” and “Let we go?”


Is it grammatically correct to say
"Does my thinking correct?" and "Let we go?"?

I am half convinced that "Let we go?" is correct, and if it is, what is the difference between it and "Let us go?"?

Best Answer

Does my thinking correct?

Does requires something else...

You could say:

Does my thinking seem/sound/look correct?

But even this is a bit off... I'd probably say something more like:

Does this look correct?

or just get to the point:

Is this correct?

Let we go.

We is a subject. Us is an object.

This sentence is actually:

[You,] let us go [away from here].

[Everyone,] let us go [together].

If you want to use we, make it the subject:

We are going.

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