Learn English – Emphasis: don’t vs. do not; aren’t vs. are not


I feel depending on where I put "not", the nuances of the sentences are quite different. When we put "not" next to a verb, it is likely to put more emphasis on negative meaning.

  1. I don't do many things at home.(emphasis on negation)

  2. I do not many things at home.

  3. There aren't many things that I do at home.(emphasis on negation)

  4. There are not many things that I do at home.

Am I right? or Aren't there any differences?

Best Answer

Contractions do not add or subtract emphasis from a phrase. They do alter the tone slightly, however. Not using contractions is much more formal and can sound strange in certain contexts. On the flip side, contractions should generally not be used in business or academic writing.

For example, in this answer I am trying to convey a tone that says I am an authority or expert on the matter so I have avoided using contractions. If I wanted to give a more casual appearance, there are places where contractions would have been appropriate.

In the sentences you gave as examples either version of the phrases could have emphasis added as they are spoken, but neither adds emphasis by itself as it is written.

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