Learn English – Error correction : If we had Sachin in our team, we would have won the match against your team


If we had Sachin in our team, we would have won the match against your team.

Which is the correct way to correct this sentence ?
I have learned that the general form of a wish of present is something like this if I were you I would study more.

And for wishes of past the form is like If he had a few hours to spare, he would have spent them in a public library.

But I think the had in the question which I asked and the had in the example which I gave is not same. So how do I correct the sentence ?

In this way

If we had had Sachin in our team, we would have won the match against your team.


If we had Sachin in our team, we would win the match against your team.

Best Answer

The error is different. We normally say someone is on a team.

If we had Sachin on our team, we would have won the match against your team.

I am not aware of a specific reason, but this definition of on may work:

  1. preposition
    You use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling.
    Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored.

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