Learn English – Error correction : The vaccine when hit the Indian market is dogged by controversy


The vaccine when hit the Indian market is dogged by controversy.

I am perplexed between two possible corrections of the above sentence.

A) The vaccine which hit the Indian market is dogged by controversy.


B) The vaccine when hit the Indian market was dogged by controversy.

Please tell if both these corrections are correct?

Edit : I think sentence B is also wrong and can be further improved by adding it after when I.e.

C) The vaccine when it hit the Indian market was dogged by controversy.

I think A and C are correct and B is wrong, Am I correct?

Best Answer

The correctness of A can be debatable depending on whether you believe the word "which" should be applied to nonrestrictive modifying clauses only. Hitting the Indian marking is essential information to identifying which vaccine we are talking about, so a restrictive modifying clause is necessary. Thus, "that" should be used instead of "which".

B is not correct as you have already noted.

C would be correct if you add commas before "when" and after "market" to create a relative clause.

So, acceptable corrections would be either:

  1. The vaccine that hit the Indian market is dogged by controversy.
  2. The vaccine, when it hit the Indian market, was dogged by controversy.

If you had to choose from the corrections you provided, A would be the most correct one.