Learn English – Escape, run away, get away, flee


I'm having a lot of issues with a sentence I need to write. I need to
say something like "Run away from daily routine and escape to our
paradise resort."

But, without saying "from daily routine and escape". In the context the reader already knows where the reader has to run away from.

The sentence I would like to write is:

"Run away to our paradise resort."

But I'm not sure if this is correct in English. How can I put this idea into words in English?

Best Answer

run away or flee sounds like something that refugees do: it's not something that you would want to associate with a paradise resort.

escape is probably a good word to use about the daily routine. It suggests freedom, which is a positive idea. get away is similar.

There is a significant difference between get away and run away, as explained here

I would recommend using escape for the first clause, then something different, also with positive connotations, in the second clause.

escape from daily routine and visit/come to/find sanctuary in our paradise resort.