Learn English – Evade vs Avoid vs Refrain from vs Abstain from, etc


Sometimes, when I look up synonyms for a word as a non-native English speaker, I can miss the subtle differences between the different options and won't know when the option is appropriate to use.

Is there a type of dictionary that explains the subtle differences between the words and provides clues on when to use them?

Best Answer

While I don't know of a dictionary that offers what you want, you could look up the meanings of the individual words. This may take longer, but ultimately you will learn more and probably make a more informed decision.

For the example you have:

Avoid seems to be the most "basic" word here. It has quite a few meanings and the other options are more specific.

Evade usually means to avoid by moving physically.

The man evaded capture by weaving through the back streets.

It can however, be used more figuratively.

Politicians are skilled at evading questions.

Refrain from and abstain from both mean to make a conscious effort to stop doing something. Abstain from is more absolute and to me, it seems to be related to religion and "sins".

Please refrain from smoking on this flight.

She abstained from sex until she was married.
Devout muslims abstain from alcohol.