Learn English – Feeling sarcastic and rude when I write “please” (in emails)


Maybe I've watched too much television where everyone is sarcastic and upset about each other, but I feel like when I say please to ask for something, as in "Could you please change that ?", or "Please try doing this instead.", I'm doing the opposite of being polite.

I can't help but read it in a judgemental, condescending voice, does it feel the same for a native ?

For now it feels better without the please : "Could you change that ?" "Try doing that instead". What should I say ?

Best Answer

I hear you. I generally avoid please in writing, precisely because of ambiguities that could lead someone to take things the wrong way. I agree with you that those sentences sound a bit more polite without it.

A pretty surefire way to make your requests sound polite is to phrase them as a request. "Try doing that instead" may sound better as, "Can you try doing that instead?" "Could/Can you change that?" sounds fine.

When you do this, the please is no longer really necessary. And I think when you add it in, it sounds a little overly-polite, which could lead some people to interpret your politeness sarcastically. Or it can sound impatient.

That's not to say please is never used to be polite, but making it sound sincere depends a lot on intonation and stress, which are absent in writing.