Learn English – Finding fault (with / in) (someone / something)


Which one of the following prepositions in my self-made sentences sounds more natural to you:
Group 1

– 1 – He is really a bad-tempered man. He got used to finding fault with everything.

– 2 – He is really a bad-tempered man. He got used to finding fault in everything.

Group 2

– 1 – Why are you finding fault with everybody this much / so much.

– 2 – Why are you finding fault in everybody this much / so much.

For me, both sentences work properly in both groups.

Best Answer

According to Google Ngram Viewer, finding fault is most commonly used with with and not in. The following graph makes the difference particularly clear:

NGram of 'finding fault with' vs. 'finding fault in'

If you experiment a little bit, you will see that it doesn't matter if the object (of the preposition) is a person or a thing.

You can visit the links below the graph to see some sample usages. As @DavidK mentions, in is almost never used in the manner you intend it to.

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