Learn English – For last 7 days, last 2 days, last month


when some person asks me what have you been doing for last 7 or 2 days ,
What does he mean by that?

Does he mean what I was doing today + yesterday or yesterday and the day before yesterday? Like is the actual/current date always included as one of those two or 7 days? or it is 7 / 2 days besides today (today not included)?

Thank you.

For example, I was looking on my facebook page statistics and I scrolled to show results for last 7 days

It showed me results for these dates: 22.1.2017 – 28.1.2017

However, I did the same on my page in Google Analytics and I clicked show statistics for last 7 days and it showed me 21.1.2017-27.1.2017 – so today was not included.

So how am I supposed to count it? This day not included or this day included as well? Thank you

Best Answer

In conversation, "the past three days" can depend on what time it is that I'm talking to you. If it's in the morning then I would mean the three days before today. If in the evening I might include the current day, since this day it's mostly over.

But it's not likely anyone cares about specifics other than perhaps the police or your boss, in which case if they're not precise, you should ask:

Policeman: Mr. Vladiz, can you account for your whereabouts the past three days?
Vladiz: Do you mean, including today? Or yesterday, the day before, and the day before that?

With websites like Facebook, the actual value is completely up to the programmer, and can be complicated by things like travel and time zone. If it was me, I would use the past N days (possibly including the current day) based on the time zone of your "home town", but another programmer might choose to base it off of GMT instead.

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