Learn English – Formal words to refer the present time


In an article I want to say:

At the present time, there are web data extraction
systems that provide an interactive graphical users interfaces(GUI)
for the user to define and execute a wrapper.

However, I am afraid it is not natural or formal, I think of some other phrases like

  • Currently
  • Today
  • Nowadays

What is the best word to fit my sentence? Can I use "currently"?

Best Answer

All of these express the same sense of "nowness", but there are slight differences between the contexts in which they are typically used.

  • Today, now and nowadays tend to suggest that what is true now was not true in the past.

  • Currently and at present tend to suggest that what is true now may not be true in the future.

  • Nowadays is colloquial, unlikely to be used in formal writing.

  • At the present time is formal to the point of pomposity; I cannot conceive of any context in which at the present time should be preferred to one of the other expressions.

If you do not intend to express a contrast between the present and either the past or the future, there is no need to use any of these; the present-tense expresses "nowness" all by itself.