Learn English – Gather or collect in a formal writing


I want to say the following sentence in the most formal manner:

These stunning data are [?????] from instruments such as"

However, I'm completely doubtful about the precedence of each word in that regard.

(I think the verbs "gather", "collect", "achieve" well suits to being used in this context.)

Best Answer

I'd go with "collect".

While "gather" is not wrong, it has an undertone of scurrying around to find it, some randomness - think "hunters and gatherers" in the stone age. We gather twigs for a campfire, a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.

"Collect" carries a sense of method, structure and planning: We collect stamps. And I suppose your data collection follows methodical procedures and has a purpose.

"Achieve" points out the effort involved (-> achievment), so unless you want to stress that you had to do a lot of unusual work with your meassurements, you shouldn't use it here.

Oh, and Maulik V has a point:
If you call your data "stunning", it might be misread (or at least make your reader grin a bit): It's often used to describe very good-looking, sexually attractive women. Most Hollywood actresses fall into this category ;-) It's not wrong, though. And remember: Scientific papers sometimes have a somewhat tongue-in-cheek title...
You might want to appear more serious and choose "surprising", "unusual" or something else that fits your context.