Learn English – Go out of fashion or go out of trend


I am practicing for my FCE exam and I have found this expression in the "use of english" part. According to the book, the right answer is go out of fashion but I canĀ“t understand the difference between them.
I would appreciate that someone clear my ideas.
Thank you all

Although expensevely decorated tables remained popular into 19th
century, the idea then went out of ………… and was largely

The options are: a) fashion b) custom c) habit d) trend

Best Answer

I've been thinking about this question for a while ... Let me compile my thoughts and the comments offered by native English speakers.

According to Cambridge Dictionary


a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.


a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.:


on trend: fashionable

According to Oxford Thesaurus



fashion, vogue, style, mode, craze, mania, rage

According to The Free Dictionary

go out of fashion and go out of style

to become unfashionable; to become obsolete

So gramatically and semantically, it may be correct to infer that you can use go out of fashion and go out of trend indistinctly. But the second one is not used.

Let me establish a paralelism with the Spanish language. We've got two words: moda (fashion) and tendencia (trend) whose meanings are equivalent to the English ones.

We say that algo ha pasado de moda (something has went out of fashion) but we don't say that algo ha pasado de tendencia (something has went out of trend).

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