Learn English – Grammar stucture make someone something


As you know, there are some structures which let us form sentences by using "make". Like

 make + noun = adjective 

which I used to make the first sentence of mine.

My question is: Is there also a structure to make a sentence by using the pattern

make + noun = noun 

which I used to build the second sentence?

She made me happy.
She made me her colleague or partner.

Are these sentences correct?

Best Answer

You make me happy.

She makes me angry.

He made me a partner.

In all of these sentences, "make" means "to cause to become". This is in contrast to the definition of make as "to construct, fabricate, assemble".

You can differentiate these meanings because the object of each sentence - "happy", "angry", "a partner" - are not things that can be fabricated or constructed.

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