Learn English – Had been shifted vs had shifted


The modifications made by them in the draft were so drastic that the entire emphasis ______ shifted.

I'm not able to make out which one, out of had and had been, I should use in this sentence. I understand that been is used in passive voice but what difference does it make here ?

Best Answer

Rewording your sentence very slightly, I believe that what you intend to say is:

The modifications made by them in the draft were so drastic that they had shifted the entire emphasis.

That would be the active version of this sentence using the verb shift transitively, with emphasis becoming the object. In that case, to structure the sentence as you have it, you would want to use the passive voice, so you would write:

The modifications made by them in the draft were so drastic that the entire emphasis had been shifted.

If you instead use the active voice, you are using shift intransitively, and your sentence would read:

The modifications made by them in the draft were so drastic that the entire emphasis had shifted.

In this case, you are still using the so...that construct to communicate cause and effect, and because of that, you are still communicating the same message to your audience. The difference would be in the emphasis on emphasis - whether it be the modifications as the actor causing the shift (transitive), or the emphasis itself changing (intransitive), along the lines of what eques mentioned in his comment.