Conditional Constructions – Using ‘Had Not Gone’ or ‘Didn’t Go’ and ‘Every Night’ in Conditional Sentences


You’re always tired. If you had not gone to bed so late every night, you wouldn’t be tired all the time.


If you didn’t go to bed so late every night, you wouldn’t be tired all the time.

I'm not sure which one is correct.
“All the time” and “every night” point out that this situation happens always, both past and the present time. Which one I should use?

Best Answer

In this case the second one - the first explicitly refers to events in the past

had not gone

whereas the second having the future tense of:

you wouldn’t be tired

refers to a situation that is expected to occur in the future.

If the first was instead:

You’re always tired. If you had not gone to bed so late every night last week, you wouldn’t be tired right now.

for example, that would be okay, as all of "last week" is in the past and the tense matches.

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