Learn English – Has been or had been


I am writing to my boss about just completed task.

The document has been created and tested. The same was delivered to client.

Here what should be Used had been or has been. Since in second sentence I am using past "was" So I am confused

Best Answer

Has been is the Present perfect tense of be.

He/she/it has been living above me for over a year.

  • (He/she/it still lives above me)

Had been is the Past perfect tense of be

He/she/it had been living above me for over a year.

  • (He/she/it no longer lives above me)

For your situation:

The document has been created, tested, and delivered to [the] client.

  • This would be correct if the status of the document is "created, tested, and delivered" and the status is still the same. This would most likely be the best fit for your situation.

The document had been created, tested, and delivered to [the] client.

  • This would be correct if the status was previously "created, tested, and delivered" but now the status has changed. Although a rare and unlikely case, the document could've been recalled or taken back from the client.
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