Learn English – Have ever seen or will ever see


Please look at the following

This is the best performance I have ever seen. This means I have never seen a performance which was better than this, so this is the best. Am I right?

Similarly, when we say

This is the best performance I ever saw. I think this means the same as above. Am I right? If not, then please tell me what the difference is

But, when we say

This is the best performance I will ever see. This sentence confuses me really.I don't understand what this means. Can anyone please explain to me what it means?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I prefer

This is the best performance I have ever seen.


This is the best performance I ever saw.

They mean the same thing (namely, that the person saying it witnessed the best performance thus far in their life) unless context implies otherwise.

This is the best performance I will ever see.

The sentence means they will never see a better performance; it's impossible for another performance taking place in the future to be better than this one.