Learn English – Have existed vs. To have existed


I want to know that: does the perfect tense function it proper usage when it preceded by “to” infinitive.

I was taught that we couldn’t put “ago” with present perfect.

So, I came across a sentence such as the following:

  • These lions seem to have existed 70 years ago

Isn’t the same as?:

  • These lions have existed 70 years ago. incorrect

Warning: Cambridge Dictionary

We normally use ago with the past simple. We don’t use it with the present perfect:

I received his letter four days ago.

Not: I have received his letter four days ago. Incorrect

The source

  • Luskin’s team found that there are now only two habitats with viable populations, down from the 12 thought to have existed 70 years ago.

Best Answer

I will try to explain this to myself, and maybe it will make sense to you :)

With the present perfect, the temporal origo is the speaker's Now, and we cannot use ago with the present perfect, because ago excludes The Now.

However, with the present perfect infinitive, the origo is free-floating (the infinitive being non-finite): it can be projected into the future or into the past:

To have existed in a world without elephants may well be the fate of people living only 50 years from now.

The Yeti is believed to have sent telegrams to Sasquatch 100 years ago.

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